
Showing posts from November, 2018

Body Shapes

In Gymnastics we have been looking at travelling, balances and body shapes. We have also been developing our partner work. Here we are working together to create matching body shapes.

Brilliant Planning

We have been exploring lots of different ways to plan our writing, as a class, by ourselves and in groups. Here we are working really hard on planning our Bronze Age Newspapers.

If You Are Reading This...

Hello, if you are reading this thank you! Please can you do me a favour and ask other parents to look too? We love parents seeing some of the wonderful learning that takes place in our classroom, but it doesn't work too well if only a few people look!

Skeleton Labels

In Science we have been learning about the different bones and where they are in the body. Here we are labeling each other.

Building and Edible Stonehenge

This week we were very lucky to be supported by Mrs Weeden, she helped us to build an edible Stonehenge! We started off by learning about Stonehenge, where it was, what it might have been used for and how it was built. We then worked in small groups to create the stones for the model, it was then constructed using photographs. We tried to make it as accurate as we could. The cake has been entered into a competition ran by English Heritage to celebrate Stonehenge's birthday! We will let you know how we get on.

Drama for Anti Bullying Week

This week we looked at the theme of respect in friendship as part of Anti Bullying Week. We showed a friendship scenario and thought about how people in the situation my feel and why.

Lots of Measuring

This week we have been measuring in Maths and Science. We where thinking about how long a KM is in Maths, so we had a go at measuring one in the playground. We have also been think about how bones grow, and that the size of your bones can be related to your age. We talked about if bones are living and if you shrink as you age. Here we are measuring our bones to compare to see if you can sage someone by their bones.

WW1 Learning

We have loved finding out about WW1, we mostly focused on what it was like for soldiers in the trenches. We found it fascinating and could have carried on all year! We made a 3D poppy wreath. Here is our wonderful letter that was on display in Devizes. We hope you found it in the Market Place. Eliana was very inspired and researched, WW1 food. She brought in what she had made for us to taste, they were delicious! This week Mr Aldridge came in to show us some artifacts from WW1, it was fascinating. Looking at and holding items that actually been help by soldiers in the trenches was amazing!